Onto pictures!!!!!
The new vehicle:

And the seat covers (it was hard to get a good picture of them):

(It's been VERY cold in TX, so I threw a couple blankets in there just in case.)
I think they turned out pretty good. I used some batting and muslin on the back of the main part. The back is just one layer. They should hold up pretty good with the multiple layers. And the best part was they didn't cost me anything!!! I had all the fabric, batting, muslin and thread already!
Since my last post, I ripped out the prayer shawl I made and re-did it. It's much better, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet. As soon as I do, I'll post it. I also started another prayer shawl yesterday. This one is for my mom, she's been diagnosed with breast cancer and will have surgery on the 15th. I'm hoping to get it done and mailed to her before surgery, but we'll see if I can.