In the mean time, I did get one project completed. We needed a new bag for our tent. Tab and I put it up for the grandkids the weekend of Columbus day and the old bag ripped when we took it out of the garage. SOOOOOOO, Todd said "K, just sew a new one!". LOL He knows me so well!
I took the old bag apart and used it as a pattern, just added a few inches in the length so it's easier to put the tent in. Here's the finished bag (not a very good picture, but you get the point).

I had originally purchased this fabric to make cushions on the new white wicker chairs I bought for the garden. However, I decided they didn't really need them and since this is "outdoor" fabric, it would work great for the tent. It's much heavier than regular cotton fabric.
After I had the bag done, I was wishing I'd added pockets for the tent stakes, instructions, etc.
Just in case you're wondering, here's the tent in our backyard.

This was the first time it's been used in probably 12 years or so. I was very happy there were no holes or anything in it. Tab and I only spent 30 minutes putting it up and the kids had so much fun playing in it. Tab, Alyssa and Angel slept in it all night on Friday, then the weather turned much colder so couldn't the rest of the weekend.
I'm hoping I'll get to carve out more time for "me", but we'll see. I do still have a few things I want to get done before our trip over Christmas.