Here it is closed:


The other thing I made was a tea wallet! It will be nice to carry around this winter!!!!


It holds 12 teabags!!!
I'll probably have more time to sew now that Todd has gone back to being a truck driver. He's been dreaming of owning his own truck since he was 18 and finally bought his own truck. So while he's on the road, I'm at home looking for a job. I haven't been working since the end of March when the owner of the insurance agency I was working at decided to close it completely. Yesterday we went to get Todd's truck (again - see my post here to read about what happened) and he's on his way to his dad's, then will be in Sabetha, Kansas Monday morning to get things ready for his first load. It will be quiet around here again, just me and Brute. When Todd was driving before we still had Buddy. But I'm looking forward to finding a new job and have more time to sew, knit and crochet. Oh, and spend time with the grandkids!!!!