Actually, one of the ladies left for another job, and as a going-away present, I decided to make her a coupon holder. She had mentioned that she likes pink and purple together, so this is what I came up with:

the back

And after that, the other one had a birthday and a "hint" slipped that she might like one, too. (I had already decided that I was going to make her one.) lol Anyway, I made two last weekend and told her she could chose between the two, and I'd take the other one.
She chose the one made with fabric from Ikea:


And this is the one I get to keep!!!!!

Love them!!!!!!!!!!!! And today I received an email from someone in Austin inviting me to have a booth at their school Holiday Bazaar. She found me on etsy and they only invite vendors to the bazaar (it's a Montessori school), so I was excited! She sent me more information but I need to find out when I need to give her an answer by. It's kinda late to do any other holiday craft shows, and her original email said she was looking for someone who made reusable produce bags. I can whip a BUNCH of those up in no time, but I'm hoping they will also let me bring other items like the reusable grocery bags and maybe some more coupon holders.
Oh, I almost forgot, I also made a set of reusable grocery bags and produce bags for my sister to give as a Christmas gift. The picture's not the best, but here it is:

I almost have my sister-in-law's purse done, so soon it will be in the mail!!!!
As always, comments are welcome!!!!! And if you'd like anything I make, whether for yourself or for Christmas gifts, please let me know!