I know on my
my other blog I promised I'd post these during the weekend, but I'm a little late. So you get two posts in one day!!!!
Also mentioned on my other blog, I bought myself a Kindle Fire for my birthday last month, which I LOVE!!!!! So I decided I needed a cover (of course). After searching the internet for various ideas, I decided to do a pretty simple version and wanted to make it out of fabric to match
my binder and the
cosmetic bag. This cover is actually the second one I made, because the first one was made out of denim and I just wanted to use it for a while to decide if there are any changes to it.

I've decided to use a hair tie for the closure instead of velcro because it's a little more "forgiving" if I don't get the button lined up exactly.
I went to Home Depot and bought some plastic to use in picture frames, but cut it up so the cover is much more sturdy than just layers of interfacing. There's one piece behind the kindle, then the cover (which is also the stand), is two separate pieces. When the cover is open, you can hook the elastic on the button on the back, and it turns into a stand! (See the last picture).

Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. The only think I don't like is that I had to change the way the kindle sits in it (for when I play Angry Birds - lol), so the fabric is actually upside down. I may end up making another one out of fabric that it wouldn't make a difference. I really like the elastic on the corners, but they cover the speakers, so I'd change that, too.
I'm really looking forward to having this on the 8 hr flights to and from Honolulu later this year.