I did get to spend a little time with my family in Milford, and my sister on the last trip. (Saw my parents on the other visits, but it never worked out to see her.) Anyway, she wanted me to make a coat for her grand-dog (her son's dog, she doesn't have grandKIDS yet). (I had made one for Brute and our trips to Nebraska, so I'll need to upload those pictures and do a separate post.) They are fans of the Chicago Bears, so I found some fleece to use. Here's the finished product before I sent it to her:

The inside:

And the picture she sent me yesterday after she received the package:

His name is Zeus. lol A really nice pit bull.
I'm so glad it fits. She sent along the old coat they had for him so I used that as a pattern.
Oh, and this was the first thing I made with my NEW SEWING MACHINE!!! Not that I needed another one, this is #6. I put three of the old ones upstairs and whenever the girls are ready, they can have them.
I'm itching to get back in the office to do some more sewing so keep checking back! I'm going to try to get back to posting blogs more often! (We have a trip coming up to Las Vegas, so if I make anything for that I'll make sure to post them)