Since the end of the school year is approaching and I've been playing with my new embroidery machine, I decided to make something for the people who helped us through the rough patch. I've been seeing people post Mug Rugs on Pinterest, so thought I'd try them.
Sunday I decided to tackle this new adventure. Since I took some time last week to organize my fabric, it was much easier to find fabric that goes together. (I sorted my fabric by color.) After deciding what fabrics to use, the next step was to find some embroidery designs to use. So, without further ado, here are the finished projects:
This is for the Principle - she was a big part of working with us. I had quite a few meetings and phone calls with her. This is one of the last designs I embroidered, and one of the few designs I've purchased. I think it turned out pretty well.

This one is for the Assistant Principle - I spent a couple of days in her office so knew she likes Yorkies. This was a free design!

This is for another staff member who helped in the beginning. I just have to say, men are harder to make things for!!!! Their school mascot is a polar bear = another free design.

The last two are for his teachers. When I sat in class with him, he had Mrs. McDonald in the morning and Mrs. Haas in the afternoon. After Christmas break, they decided to try to switch and he's doing much better. Both of these were also free designs.

I found five different web sites that post free designs - it changes every 10 minutes, so I've gotten TONS of free ones from there. Free is always the best, but there have been a few I've purchased.
Anyway, I really hope they enjoy the gifts. Mug Rugs are really fun to make - I'm thinking I need one now!!! :D