To get ready for our cruise in June, I decided to make another bag - this one will be my carry-on for the flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico. We don't have the flight info yet, but I'm assuming it will be a pretty long flight and there is a strong possibility that we'll have to change planes somewhere. We should have the flight info in a couple of weeks. I wanted something large enough to hold an extra set of clothing (in case the luggage gets lost - we learned the hard way), small bottles of shampoo, conditioner and contact solution (3-1-1), a little makeup, all of our cruise paperwork (plane tickets, etc will be in my travel wallet, but we'll still take some other paperwork), along with a book or magazine to read on the plane. Plus, it had to be small enough to qualify for a carry-on.
As always, I didn't have a pattern, just used a couple ideas from various bags I've seen, but this one I decided needed to be completely closed, which is different from any other large bags I've made. It was hard, but turned out pretty well. I put pockets on all four sides, so that will be nice to be able to put my books, magazines and paperwork in them. I also have pockets on the inside and plenty of room!
Here are pictures: Outside:
I did something different - I wanted to put all of our contact info inside the bag, so used some thick plastic I had to make a slot for the cards I had printed up:
Another view of the inside:
Outside showing pockets:
So, when I was done with that, I decided to make a cosmetic bag to carry things:
(It's the same as all the other cosmetic bags I've made)
THEN, I also decided to try to make something to carry my jewelry in. I'll have my rings on most of the time, but want to take different earrings and necklaces for the formal nights and things. This was made without a pattern also, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. (Next time I'll do better, though!)
Inside - each compartment is closed with velcro:
The outside:
To close it, it folds into thirds, and the band has velcro on it to keep it closed:
So, here is the entire set!!! Pretty "springy"!!!!
Again, since they are all hand-crafted, there are a few imperfections but I'm still happy with how they came out!
Can't wait for JUNE!!!!!!