Anyway, I found a pattern I had purchased a while ago and decided to try a couple caps from it.
Here's the first one I made:

I thought it was a little big, so revised the pattern some and made a few more.

They don't fit my head very well since my hair was in a ponytail, but I think they'll fit Mom better.
This is the back of them:

This is another one from the same pattern (this one was really easy once I figured the pattern out):

I found an old shirt that was made out of pretty light fabric, so quick made one out of it before I mailed them to her:

I also found a couple patterns online:

I had another one that I found online, but apparently forgot to take a picture of it. (I need to find a fake head to put them on instead of trying them on me.) lol
I made a few more but wasn't very happy with the way they turned out, so only mailed six to Mom. Then I found really super thin fabric at Wal-Mart for $1.50 per yard, so bought 1 1/2 yards that will be enough to make a few more. She said she likes the white ones with ties the best (which were the ones I liked, too), so I'm going to use that pattern for them.
We have a large family reunion on Mom's side in June, so Todd and I will be going up for it. We'll spend a day or two with his Dad in Falls City, who is also undergoing treatments for a kind of skin cancer. Then up to Milford to see Mom and Dad. After we get home, I'll start looking for a job. (I've been browsing and sending out resumes if something looks interesting, but not trying too hard.) Hopefully one will come along soon. I'm getting pretty bored staying at home all the time and I end up worrying about Mom and Todd's Dad. lol
Comments are appreciated!!!