Here's the new strap cover:

In case you're interested, here is the tutorial I used. I like that it's nice and tight on the strap.
I had to use my other camera to take the picture, so it's not very good.
I also wanted to make some pouches to keep all my cords in. Decided to dig out the Bernina sewing machine (that used to be my mother-in-law's) to label them. Again, the pictures aren't that great.

A closer look at how they are labeled. I had some old fabric paint brushes from years ago so used them to color in the letters. The "ear phones" one I tried to used some dimensional fabric paint but that didn't work very well. lol

In case you are wondering, here is the link for the tutorial for these.
Finally, I had been looking for something small to use for a travel journal. I know I'll take one of our laptops so I can upload photos, but it's nice to put pen to paper every once in a while. I had one for our cruise in 2010, so decided I wanted one for this trip, too. Anyway, this is what I found at TJ Maxx for about $4 the other day:

They are small and don't take up too much room, but they're not very pretty.

So, I decided to try to put new covers on them. I had bought some scrap paper a while ago for another project, so decided to use that to recover them.

These are the pages I decided to use:

And the books:

All I did was cut the sheets to the correct size, decided what I wanted on the cover and books, then used a glue stick to glue the sheets on. It worked petty good, even though I had to take about 6 pages out of each book so they wouldn't be too tight in the cover.
This is after they were covered:

Then I decided to make some labels (printed on clear labels), then coated with modge podge (homemade, recipe here). I was pretty happy with them, but while organizing the office (for the millionth time), I found some spray laquer that said it was good for decoupage, so decided to spray that on, too. Here is the finished project:

Quite an improvement!!!!!

They're not perfect, but I'm really happy with how they turned out!
I still have some shopping to do before our trip, but need to go through my current wardrobe first to decide what else I need. Counting down the days!!!!!! Todd and I are both really looking forward to the trip!
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