Our Christmas Trip to Nebraska.
On Saturday night, Todd and I drove to Beatrice NE to meet my parents and get Mom's old industrial sewing machine!!!! We drove through a brief snow storm, but the roads weren't bad. Falls City had a blanket of ICE Saturday morning when we woke up, so I was worried the roads would be bad, but a few miles out of FC the roads were cleared. It was windy and COLD when we met Mom and Dad to change the machine from their PU to ours, so after Todd had it tied down, we went to RUNZA for a quick supper. (We don't have them in Texas, so that is a MUST place to eat when we are up north.) Todd and I had a tough time getting the machine unloaded when we got home last night, but it worked and it's in the garage waiting to be cleaned and oiled before it gets used. I can't even explain how excited I am to have it! I can't WAIT TO SEW ON IT!!!!!!!! Here is what it looks like now:

I can't wait to use it! For a while Mom used to recover furniture and redo car interiors, so that is what she used the machine for. I remember both her and Dad working in the barn and going out to help or watch. That was a LONG time ago!!!!
Mom also gave me her button maker!

P.S. - If you have a couple minutes, you can click on the ads I have on the blog and help me earn some extra $$ to go towards my sewing expenses!!! LOL Thanks a bunch!