is overtaking our office/sewing room!!!! My friend Karen, from Kinsey Interiors, was very generous and gave me TONS of fabric last Saturday. She wouldn't let me pay for it, so I'll repay her by making a duvet cover and possibly a purse for her. She was contacted by a gentleman in town who's wife was a seamstress, and he wanted to get rid of a bunch of her sewing stuff, so he gave her fabric, buttons and zippers - lots of everything! She also gave me a bunch of the zippers a few weeks ago and I used them in the last cosmetic bags I made.
Anyway, most of the fabric she gave me on Saturday was on the long rolls and I don't have any where to store them in the house, so I decided to re-organize. First I started taking the fabric off the rolls, and while I was at it, I measured the width and length and pinned a note on each one so I know at a glance how much there is. I think the longest piece is 18 yards!!!!! My brilliant idea was to make small bolts that would fit in the armoire that I currently keep most of my stash in. My hubby doesn't let me throw away boxes, so I found some of items that we no longer had (stereos the kids bought and old computers), and cut them up in to 19 x 6 inch pieces and started wrapping the fabric around them.
Here is a picture BEFORE:
And AFTER (I'm not done yet, but I can fit two rows of fabric, so it will hold a lot):

Right now I'm just working on the top part, I can adjust the shelves on the rest of it, so I should be able to get most of my fabric in there. I cut up another box last night, so I'll have more to work with. I just want to get it all wrapped on the bolts, then I can work on organizing by type and color.
I'm going to use a bunch of the new fabric to make re-usable grocery bags to list on my etsy shop. I'll post pictures when they are done!
I FINALLY put my latest purse in the mail to Todd's grandma. It took me a while to get pictures off our computer and printed at WalMart. We each sat down to write a letter to her and I also sent some envelopes with our name and address on them for when she wants to send us stuff. She has a hard time seeing and writing, so that will be easier for her. :D
Todd pulled a muscle in his back last week, so he's been nursing that (and begging for sympathy - you know how men are when they are sick!). It seems to be better now, so we are planning to go to the gym tonight. I'm ready for a new workout; it's been three months and I need to change some things up, so I'll try Todd's workout and see how I like it.
We are finally getting some much-needed rain today!!! ::happy dance:: Yesterday it was 84 outside, this morning it was 69 and fell to 47 in one hour! We also had close to an inch of rain before 8:00 am. It's still raining off and on and is supposed to for the next few days. I really hope the bluebonnets are pretty this year!
That's it for now. Nothing much else exciting going on.....