Can you tell what they are? Here's a closer look:

Yup, SNAILS!!!!! They like the water and sometimes crawl up the sides of the house or garage - we've even had them crawl up windows!!
This little guy left a trail for me to see where he had gone!

You really have to watch where you step or it's easy to crunch them. :(
I haven't had much to update my blog about since our computer started acting up, I haven't sew much or quilted much. I think I'm going to have to do the small squares on my quilt by had, because it's just too much to get in the sewing machine.
On the computer front, we finally broke down and bought a laptop at Best Buy on Sunday. It's pretty nice - has a webcam and everything. It even has a slot to put the memory card from our digital camera to download photos - now I won't have to mess around with the cord! I should be able to do it with the card from my cell phone, too, but haven't tried it yet. But what's EVEN BETTER is that we are debt-free and didn't even have to take money out of savings to buy it! This weekend we are going to get a wireless router, another mouse (so we can use both computers) and a cooling pad for the laptop. Todd and I both like it so much, we've already decided that when the desktop quits working, we'll get another laptop.
My parents have decided to come see us the weekend of Mother's Day - I'm so excited. My birthday is a few days before that, so that will be a GREAT birthday present!!!! (Of course, that means I'll spend LOTS of time between now and then cleaning our house.) One of my brothers got plane tickets for them with his frequent flyer miles that were about to expire - He's JUST THE BEST!!!! I'll be able to take a few days off since I still have five days I have to use before June 1. I also want to get some good pictures of them with the grandkids and another four generation picture - the last one was when Alyssa was a baby and now she's 6!
Just thought I'd update my blog quick. Work was pretty slow this afternoon even with the storms in the area last night.
Tonight is Ham and Scalloped Potatoes for supper, so it will be an easy fix!
Maybe the snail trail is your psychic for the day?? Calm...the CRAZY, then calm, the CRAZY for a while?? Lol
Maybe!!! Most days seem to be that way - the CRAZY times are when your father is around!!! LOL
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