Here is the finished pillow Jean brought:

It's the size of a travel pillow - she said she makes hers all the same and just changes out the pillow in different cases for various holidays - what a great idea!
Here is what I got done at class last night:

I still need a lot of practice, but it was really fun! I'm not sure when I'll finish it, but it won't take too long. I just need to work on the nose and mouth, then add the leaves, do the boarder and then the backing. (That sounds like a lot - it may take me a day.)
I ahve Friday afternoon off for the 4th, so maybe I'll be able to work on it then.
I worked on my laptop bag a little bit last weekend, but it's just not coming together like I wanted it to, so I'm back to the drawing board. Maybe I'll try to find a pattern online - or Todd says I should just buy one! We'll see. I just haven't been sewing much lately - ever since I signed up on facebook and became hooked on the games there............... lol