I had my aunt Eunice request a purse, so when I was on my trip last week, I took along fabric samples for her to decide what she wanted it made out of. I also had the purse that I made for Todd's grandma along, so took that for her to see. She decided she wanted the "Samantha" design (which is my favorite one to make), and the brown fabric that I'm also going to cover the wing-back chair in (I have LOTS of it). I had some really pretty gold fabric that I used for the inside. I spent the yesterday afternoon on it and finally finished it right after supper last night. Today I'll put it in the mail, then spend the rest of the day job-searching.
Here are the pictures of her purse:

The purse is 10.5" by 4.5" and is 7.5" tall. The straps have a 13" fall. There are outside pockets on all four sides (velcro closure on the long sides), 6 various sized pockets on the inside and has a d-ring on the inside to hang keys.
I hope she likes it! All I need to do is print off an invoice and get it packaged up. I'm mailing it to my Mom since I don't have Eunice's address.
And a funny story about the purse I made for Todd's grandma - she was changing purses in her room at the nursing home, and figured out the pockets were too small for her to put her wallet and checkbook in. (Had I known she puts them in pockets, I would have made them larger.) One of her favorite nurses came in (the one who she says saved her life when she had her last heart attack and sat with her the entire day) and was looking at it, said they could rip a seam out so that it would fit and Grandma said she was really admiring the purse. So Grandma just decided to give it to her! Grandma was worried that I would be upset about her giving it away, but I told her that it's her purse to do with what she wants, so it was fine. She's really worried about Todd's parents (update on my personal blog
If anyone is interested in a purse, bag or anything else I make, please feel free to contact me! I can be reached at jylslife@gmail.com or via my etsy shop
Thanks for stopping by! Comments are always welcome!