I sewed his initials in it, but you can't see them very well, I should have done them in different thread, but it was a last minute decision. (TJ is what his Mom and other relatives used to call him, I've always known him as Todd.)

When he came home it was pretty dirty, so I washed it and he said we needed to figure out a better way to keep it on the seat. I had added a couple straps (that you can't see) on the bottom w/ velcro to hook around a bar underneath, but that wasn't quite enough. So what I did (and no picture, sorry), was to add a large botton hole on each side where the seat meets the back, then made a long strap that can be adjusted (with double D Rings). The strap is long enough to go all the way around the seat, so he can just pull it tight. He's going to use that for a while and let me know if I need to add some velcro to keep it tight.
He seems to like it pretty well, he's shown it to a few people while out on the road. The main part is two layers of the thickest denim we could find and two layers of all cotton batting. It's REALLY heavy, so it will hold up with him getting in and out of the truck multiple times each day. (I've already started another one that will be in the next post.
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