Pictures aren't great because I used my small camera, but they taste really good! Still not quite like when my Mom makes them, but still good. Maybe I roll them out too thin, not sure.
I'm thinking of next time use PW's recipe and see which one I like the best.
I took a quick trip to Michael's the day after Christmas because they had most of their yarn on sale, so I bought 6 skeins (2 skeins each of 3 different kind/color). I also had to get some Christmas stuff that was 50% off. And I bought a set of 12 holiday wine glasses (with gold on the rim) at Target for 50% off - $7.50!!! They will go great with the china we brought home from Todd's grandma's house in IL.
So I've started another scarf - this one white. I'm using the circular knitting needles again - I really like them.
After all of our Christmas celebrations are done, I'll have another post to show what I made for Megan and Kate.
Tomorrow is New Year's eve, everyone have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
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