Of course, you need more equipment to do that, so I went down to JoAnn's Fabrics in Austin on Sunday to purchase a walking foot for my sewing machine. This is what it looks like:

Of course, once I get a new "toy", I have to play with it a little bit. I had some left over fabric that was already sewn together that I used for my latest quilt, so made a square and tried machine quilting a little bit on it. (First I basted all three layers together, that's what the yellow thread is you see.) Mom had given me some templates for Christmas two years ago (when I started quilting), so I used one of them to mark a design, then quilted it. This is the result:

That's hard to see, so I also took a picture of the back:

It was pretty easy! It worked better without the embroadery hoop. It will be interesting to see what she says tonight.
This is what I'm taking for the class tonight. I had some squares left over from the quilt, so just sewed them together and made borders. It's also basted. I've marked it a little bit with the templates, but it's hard to see. I just used some white muslin I had around, for the real quilt, I'll use some off-white muslin so it matches better.

Oh yeah, notice how it's not completely square? The right side is one inch longer than the left side - this is what happens when you don't square up your blocks before sewing them into rows and sewing the rows together!!!!!
Anyway, it will be a fun class. We have to take our sewing machines, so I've got everything packed up already.
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