My pile of pieces:

This is how they go together:

And sewn:

This is the completed 9-patch (I didn't take pictures before it was completed - I used the strip piecing method, so that went pretty quickly):

And because I couldn't resist, I put two of the rows together to see what it looks like (we're just supposed to have the blocks done for the next quilt class on June 1):

I think for borders, I'm going to do a small border of the blue, then use the red for a larger border and probably the binding. I need to see if I have enough fabric. I may have to use the off-white for the binding, I know I have plenty of that.
Todd's grandmother was put in a Nursing Home last night. She was not happy - was really looking forward to going home, but hopefully that will be an incentive for her to get well soon so she can go home.
My parents are coming NEXT FRIDAY!!! I can't wait! Still need to do a lot of cleaning, but I decided I'm taking Wednesday (my birthday) off and will be off until the next Tuesday. (I really wanted to take Tuesday off, but my boss said it would be a lot better for him if I work on Tuesday. I'm hardly ever gone and it's been a long time since I've taken that many days off in a row, so it's going to be hard for him to actually WORK on those days!) He'll still owe me one more day of vacation before June 1st, so I may take it on the 26th, the day after Labor Day and I'd have a four day weekend then.
Well, better get going for the morning. I skipped the gym the last couple days - can I use the "Swine Flu" as an excuse??????
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